Peter Moore, head of EA Sports, felt that with all of the negative fan reactions the game had been receiving, that delaying it would be the best thing to ensure delivery of a solid product saying:

I know what you are thinking. If EA delays Elite into 2011, how will gamers get to experience the epic trifecta that is the Bosh, Wade, James Connection? Well, there are two options. Owners of NBA Live 10, the franchise that became Elite, will receive an update that will include all of the roster changes. The obvious option for those who were waiting to pick up Elite as their first basketball game is to simply put that cash towards NBA 2K11. It might seem like blasphemy, but it will definitely sate a NBA addiction.

With Elite delayed into 2011, EA has come out and said that they will be releasing NBA Jam as a standalone title for the PS3 and Xbox 360.  In a move that is sure to infuriate many hopeful fans, EA has decided to take what was going to be an added bonus to Elite and force gamers to play it or wait until Elite’s unknown release date.

EA certainly will upset many a sports game fanatic with this news and might suffer some really harsh backlash because of it, but if, in the end, they deliver a product that has the polish and finesse that we have come to expect from the brand there will certainly be pleased fans in the end.

What are your feelings on the NBA Elite 11 delay, Ranters? Does having to pay for NBA Jam make you feel a bit cheated by the folks at EA Sports?

NBA Elite 11 will release some time in 2011 on the PS3 and Xbox 360.

Source: Giant Bomb