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There was the obligatory “You could buy THIS with that much money” . . .

… and “He’s getting paid HOW MUCH to do this?” tweets:

The more important math is that DeRozan is going to average about $28 million per season.

Raps watchers wonder if the deal, a product of the massive growth in the salary cap, will preclude the team from re-signing big man Bismack Biyombo, who’s in line for a huge payday himself, especially with the Lakers giving Timofey Mozgov $16 million a year and the Knicks about to give Joakim Noah $17 million per and the Pistons reportedly about to give Andre Drummond a max deal.

JOSEPH: Beal, max player, needs to follow Wall’s lead

See? Money’s everywhere in the NBA, and the math whizzes are earning theirs this summer.