The 24-year-old said both of his parents weren’t feeling well last week, and he urged them to see a doctor. Cruz had to be hospitalized as her condition continued to deteriorate. (Towns’ father, Karl Sr., was released from the hospital and is under quarantine.)

MORE: Sports figures who have tested positive for COVID-19

“She just wasn’t getting better. Her fever was never cutting from 103, maybe go down to 101.9 with the meds, and then immediately spike back up during the night,” Towns said. “She was very uncomfortable. Her lungs were getting worse, her cough was getting worse. She was deteriorating. She was deteriorating — and we always felt that the next medicine would help. This is the one that’s going to get it done. This mixture is going to get it done.”

Towns felt she had finally turned a corner in her recovery, but she had to be put on a ventilator after sudden issues with her lungs. She was then placed in a medically induced coma.

In sharing his story, Towns hopes to raise awareness about COVID-19 and the seriousness of its impact.

“I wanted to make this video so that people understand the severity of this disease is real,” Towns said. “This disease needs to not be taken lightly. Please protect your families, your loved ones, your friends, yourself. Practice social distancing. Please don’t be in places with a lot of people. … I hope my story helps. I hope my story gives you the correct information.”

Upon hearing the news, several NBA players reached out to Towns and offered messages of support on social media, including former Timberwolves teammate Zach LaVine.