The rapper has famously cursed several prominent NBA players — most notably Rockets guard James Harden. But the Based God has offered to remove his curse on Harden after the latter’s pitiful performance against Spurs in Game 6 of the Western Conference semifinal series Thursday.

MORE: Harden faded when Rockets needed him most

The fact Lil B actually apologized to Harden — you know, instead of an “All right, you’ve had enough” kind of statement — just goes to show how poorly Harden played. The Rockets were destroyed 114-75, and Harden scored just 10 points on 2-of-11 shooting, including 2 of 9 from beyond the 3-point arc. Nope, not a good performance for the NBA MVP hopeful.

Some background: Lil B threatened to curse Harden back in 2015 when he didn’t credit the rapper for his signature cooking dance (which Lil B claims credit for creating back in 2010). When Harden didn’t honor Lil B’s request, the rapper followed through on the threat.

MORE: Harden on Lil B: ‘I don’t know who that is’

Lil B removed the curse from Harden in June 2015, only to put it back on him on Halloween that year. Harsh.

According to a report from The Undefeated on May 5, Lil B confirmed the curse was still active and that Harden was the only player in the NBA who had one placed on him at the moment.

But now, word has come from on high that Harden is no longer cursed if he so chooses. A little too late perhaps, but better late than never.