The NBA took this time to remind teams that hazing will in no way be tolerated by the league, Marc Stein reported, citing league sources.

In the memo, the Miami Dolphins were referenced explicitly, with the remainder of the letter urging players to report any instance of bullying, which a violation of NBA policy.

There was a long list of violations that included physical abuse or threats of violence; verbal abuse focused on an individual's race, nationality, color, gender, age, religion, sexuality, etc; destruction, defacement or theft of a fellow player's personal property; and the list continued on to mention many others.

Another prohibited action, according to, was the requirement of a player unreasonably pay for meals, travel, entertainment or goods or services, which is a common practice of rookie hazing across sports.

In the NBA, it is common practice for rookies to wear children-style backpacks to practices and games and carry veteran players' luggage during travel, two actions that are met will little resistance and are considered a rite of passage, as Stein points out.

According to sources, the NBA hazing culture does not match the NFL's. A Western Conference official told Stein that hazing has lightened in recent years, while another said he never heard any "crazy stories."